Save $20! This Special is for FOUR 7oz bags of 100% pure Kona Peaberry Coffee.
Usually $179.80 but this great special is only $159.95.
Ready to try the world's finest coffee? This tasty medium roast Hawaiian Kona Coffee will lift you up!
When a coffee tree bears fruit, it produces a ripe red cherry usually consisting of two portions on the inside. These portions grow into coffee beans. As there are two and they are in a round cherry, we get the typical coffee bean which is rounded on the outside and flat on the inside. Very rarely, in only about 2% of the time, one side of one side never developed and hence never split. This leaves a small fully rounded shape bean the chance to develop. These little oval shaped beans are known as PEABERRY and they are considered the highest grade of coffee bean. Being round, these unique and flavorful Kona Peaberry Coffee beans roast very evenly, sealing in their flavor.
This little bean truly is the ‘Best of the Best!’ Pure Hawaiian 100% Kona Peaberry Coffee.
Please choose between GROUND or WHOLE BEAN.
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